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Brentford Perrott Ancestor

Christine Russell wrote in 2013:
This is about my continuing search for the ancestors of my 4x Grandfather Thomas Perrott a 'Resident of Brentford' who was living at 70 Old Brentford High Street, from around the time of 1812 to 1847. He was born 1773 and stated to be from Somersetshire, he was a Windsor chairmaker by Trade. He was also a Quarter Master Sergeant in Colonel James Clitherow's Regiment, the Royal Westminster Middlesex Militia, whose Headquarters were at Brentford. I had been looking to find evidence of who his parents were and previously found names that could be linked to him, though not proved. But now I have found the missing 'parts' to this family - the baptism of Nathan his first son, and evidence of his parents, who were understood to be, but not proved, Nathan Perrott and Mary Boundy.

Here is briefly an account of how my research and tenacity has led to this conclusion. My discovery of a record in 1781 for his parents and siblings showing them to be living in Somersetshire. In the 1841 Census for Brentford, and army records for Thomas Perrott, it states Somersetshire is where he was from. So one of the connections I have been looking for!

Here is some of the 'evidence' that I have found which links these people to each other -

Nathan Perrott - b.1798 my 3x Grandfather - the son of Thomas Perrott and Sarah Carr

Census records show Nathan (also a chairmaker) as being from Sunderland. However, no baptisms for him have been found in Sunderland. The baptism I found states he was born 26 May 1798 and baptised 6 Jan 1799 in Liverpool and his father was Thomas, a sergeant in the (Westminster Militia), and his mother Sarah. So this is the right family. Also on the same page it shows other baptisms for children of soldiers of the same regiment. I have researched the Muster Rolls at Kew archives which show the regiment was stationed in Liverpool Barracks at this time, and prior to that at Sunderland where Nathan's parents were married in July 1797. Incidentally, Nathan Perrott also joined his father's regiment as a young drummer boy in 1806 and he rose to the rank of Drum Major as a young man.

Thomas Perrott - b.1773, my 4x Grandfather - evidence of his parents and siblings

The baptisms I previously traced showed a Thomas baptised 1773 and a William baptised 1771, in Plymouth, to parents Nathan and Mary Perrott. I believed this to be them. But now I know this is the correct family as I have traced them in a document in 1781 stating they were from Bristol but living in Bath, where it shows my 4x Grandfather Thomas Perrott, then age 7 with his three siblings - William aged 9, Sarah age 3, and James aged 17 months and his mother Mary Perrott - it states his father Nathan Perrott was absent.

Marriage finds of his parents and his sister:

Nathan Perrott and Mary Boundy (b. around 1750?)

I have not yet found Nathan's birth though it is probable Mary was baptised 6 May 1751 in Perranzabuloe Cornwall to John and Honour Boundy. I have found the parish entry for this. I also found a marriage in 1770 in Launceston, Cornwall, of a Nathan Perrott to a Mary Boundy. It states she is of the Parish and he is a Sojourner (which means, I believe, to reside temporarily in the Parish) So he is not from this area.

1770 marriage register entry


Sarah Perrott - b1777 (Thomas Perrott's sister)

Also, I found a marriage of Thomas's sister Sarah Perrott to a Frenchman Joseph Francois, Exuper Gouvello Du Timat in 1804 in St Mary's Chapel, Walcot, Bath and also their Civil Marriage in Granville, France 1821, as shown here:

Marriage register entry
1821 marriage register entry

This document was very significant as it shows her parents to be Nathan Perrott and Marie Bondy (Mary Boundy).

It is a French document and basically translated it states 'Sarah Perrott born Bristol in England 1 April 1777 now living at Granville France in 1821 who is the daughter of 'Nathan Perrott and Marie Bondy'.

There is a lot more information I have found about Sarah and Joseph which is well documented in French Aristocrat History that connects one of their grandchildren to Prince Rainier who married Grace Kelly.

Now moving on to my 4x Grandfather Thomas Perrott's brother James Perrott, here is what I have found which I believe is about him -

James Perrott - b.1779 (Thomas Perrott's brother)

My research now shows the existence of his brother James Perrott living in Bath.

On looking through records for entries for a James Perrott in Bath I find the following:-

1802 - marriage James Perrott to Ann George, St. Swithin's Bath. I found she died in 1806.
1809 - marriage James Perrott to Sarah Gwillem in Bath Walcot, both are widowed.
1812 - baptism of their son Nathan Perrott in St. Mary's Chapel, Bath 'to James & Sarah Perrott in Daffords Buildings, Bath' (probably the boy was named after his grandfather Nathan).

Looking through the 'Bath Directories' for 1826 to 1841 I found James Perrott entered as a Leather Dresser living at 13 Daffords Buildings, Bath. And another that shows James Perrott now as a Fellmonger (definition: a Dealer in hides or skins, particularly sheepskins)

I found many Censuses in Bath that shows James Perrott a Leather Dresser, born Bristol, and now living at Daffords Buildings Bath, with Sarah Gwillem his wife. In 1861, now age 81, James Perrott is a widower, a retired Leather Dresser living at Lambridge Cottages Bath.
In 1866 James Perrott's death certificate shows he is a Leather Dresser, aged 89 died 11 July 1866 in Walcot, Bath. (so born about 1777).

I believe this is further evidence he is the son of Nathan and Mary Perrott as there is never a mention of a middle name Warren in any of the above records, and James Perrott had named his son Nathan.
(Note: There is also baptism of a James Warren Perrott born illegitimately in 1784 to Elizabeth Perrott in Bath, which must be another family or a branch of it.)


James Warren Perrott - b.1784 Bath (illegitimate son of Elizabeth Perrott)

So who was James Warren Perrott, the illegitimate son of Elizabeth Perrott? Born 1784 in Bath? I do not know. Are there two men with the same name? There is a man I found with the same name born around the same time but his parents were married! This is James Warren Perrott - b.1784 (place unknown but could be Bristol) who was the son of John Stanford Perrott and Elizabeth from Bristol. In March 1793 - James Warren Perrott was baptised on the same day as his brothers and sister in Hawksbury Glocs, son of John Stanford and Elizabeth Perrott. He died in Ashburton age 51 in 1836 a Sadler. In 1802 - Found an apprentice indenture for James W Perrott, a sadler to Joseph Orum in Tetbury Glocestershire. In 1818 - found his marriage Feb 1818, to a Deborah Edwards in Hennock, Devon, where she was born in 1795 (she died in 1860 in Paddington London.)

I found baptisms of 7 children from 1819 to 1830 to a James Warren Perrott and Deborah (nee Edwards) in Ashburton Devon:

  • Deborah Perrott,
  • Warren Perrott,
  • Francis William Perrott,
  • Elizabeth Mary Perrott,
  • Ann Parker Perrott,
  • Richard Jason Perrott,
  • Frances Susan Perrott.

The only link to the children being named after one of their grandparents would be Elizabeth, who could have been named after James Warren Perrott's mother.

In 1836 I found a burial record for James Warren Perrott at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, age 50, therefore born about 1786.

Looking through the censuses for his wife and their children I found in
1841 - Deborah Perrott, occupation a sadler (Husband not shown) and her son James Warrren Perrott (who is also a sadler) living North Street Ashburton Devon with the other children. In the 1851 census I found Deborah Perrott was now living in London (shown as a widow) with 2 of her daughters living in 40 Park street Marylebone London. Also found her son James Warren Perrott (age 30) a sadler living at 63 High Street St Pancras Marylebone Camden with wife Elizabeth and children and step children. Also at 73 High Street is his brother Frances William Perrot (a sadler) with his wife and children. I found there were a lot more documents about this family but no link to any of my Perrott chairmaker ancestors.


Because I was looking for evidence gleaned from other resources, I managed to get off the paths that I had been previously led along and sent going the wrong way. I am sure there is still more I can find and who knows what else there is sitting on a shelf misnamed, misfiled and waiting to be discovered.

My conclusion is that by being open minded and widening my research, I have found positive evidence linking my 4x Grandfather Thomas Perrott to his son Nathan, his brother James and his sister Sarah and most importantly of all to his parents Nathan Perrott and Mary Boundy. So I will keep looking just in case there is more. I hope you enjoyed reading about my finds.

Author - Christine Russell 2013



See also Christine's earlier research into the Perrott family.

Published September 2013; updated August 2024